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We’re here to help you to understand the root cause of your complaint; and give you the tools to help you eliminate your pain long term.  We strive to provide rapid and long lasting results by offering the latest techniques to safely and effectively eliminate pain, improve function and range of motion.

Woman with Fitness Ropes

For Athletes

Specialized knowledge of sports injuries allows us to provide an accurate diagnosis of your injury and limitations. Often sports injuries are a result of compensatory motions and it is essential to have a thorough examination to assess the root cause of your symptoms.  We also offer guidance on preventative strategies, athletic training, and sports nutrition to help you perform at your optimal level.

Construction Management

Work Injury


We are approved providers by the Department of Labor and Industries.  If you have suffered a work injury, we can help you manage your case and help you focus on healing your injury.  We have vast experience in both state claims and self-insured employer claims.

Women Stretching on Yoga Mat

Wellness & Fitness

Chiropractic care along with exercise helps improve and maintain your physical health and can determine how your body ages.  Maintaining proper alignment ensures that the joints continue to move well and reduce wear and tear on the body.  With consistent care, any dysfunction or compensating movement patterns can be determined and corrected promptly before issues develop. 

Soccer Practice

Kids and Teens


As kids and teens continue to grow, chiropractic care is great for maintaining alignment and keeping them well-balanced as they enter into adulthood. It can help alleviate growing pains while teaching them the importance of body awareness.

Crashed Car

Auto Injury

A car crash is a highly stressful experience, especially when you or your loved ones are injured. Injuries from car crashes are often complicated and symptoms may not surface for weeks to months.  Delaying care can often lead to more serious or permanent injuries. We have additional training as an advanced graduate of the Spine Research Institute of San Diego (SRID) to best manage injuries sustained from a Motor Vehicle Crash.  For more information click here.

Pregnancy Yoga



Chiropractic care during pregnancy focuses on maintaining the mother's pelvic alignment. This in turn balances the pelvic muscles and ligaments, which reduces the torsion on the uterus. It is a great drug-free option for treating low back pain as well as other complaints during pregnancy.  To learn more about the Webster Technique please click here.

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